Paper is always used in printing, card, leaflet, etc. However, if we add innovation, paper can be a creative media. Hence, Antalis aims to promote the innovative use of paper. We used paper to create a hair-liked lamp shade. By putting our paper lamp in the exhibit,
it can reinforce the use of paper can be innovative to the consumers.
Paper is very light yet strong, with imagination it generates unlimited creativity. Entitled “ Curl Fever”, This LED table lamp is inspired by a typical funny scene in Hong Kong in 60s to 70s where some women would wear on hair curls in order to shape trendy curl hair style. Even when they were doing their housework and going to the wet market, the hair curls still worn on their head. This great memory is interpreted by paper folded to resemble bunches of black hair and colorful curlers, with lighting effect enhancing the color and shape of the form.